
Saksa 2016: Kolmannes sähköstä uusiutuvista lähteistä

In another shining example of renewable energy leadership, in 2016, Germany used more renewable electricity than ever before, receiving 32 percent of the gross amount of electricity consumed in the country from sun, wind and other renewable sources.
The federal government's energy targets call for renewables' share in gross electricity consumption to arrive at 35 percent by 2020 and the country is clearly on track to achieve that goal.
The energy sources breakdown is as follows:
  • Offshore wind 13 TWh
  • Onshore wind 67 TWh
  • Solar PV 38 TWh
  • Hydropower (including pumped storage hydro) ~22 TWh
  • Biomass and waste 52 TWh
  • Geothermal power 0.2 TWh   [rew]

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