

 In face of a French-led push to revive nuclear power in Europe, a group of five EU countries led by Germany have banded together to urge the European Commission to keep nuclear out of the EU’s green finance taxonomy.

“Nuclear power is incompatible with the EU Taxonomy Regulation’s ‘do no significant harm’ principle“, says the joint declaration for a nuclear-free EU taxonomy signed by Austria, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg and Portugal.

“We have plenty of evidence of how dangerous nuclear power can be,” said Leonore Gewessler, Austrian minister for energy, at a side-event at COP26 in Glasgow on 11 November. [EMP]


Chenab Bridge - Suomalaisten suunnittelema huikea silta Intiassa

The bridge is one of the last major elements of the new 272-kilometer Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railroad that will connect the Kashmir Valley with India's national network at a point north of the city of Jammu. Started more than 20 years ago, the USBR includes around 900 bridges of various types and more than 110 km of tunnels.

The bridge's design/build contract was awarded to Chenab Bridge Project Undertaking (CBPU) in 2004. For overall design, CBPU hired the small Finnish firm Consulting KORTES Ltd., which has since been acquired by WSP Group. Germany’s Leonhardt, Andrä and Partner became the subconsultant handling the bridge's detail and erection designs. For bridge information modeling, WSP adopted Finland-based Tekla Structures.

The whole fascinating ENR story can be found here (6p, 0.95MB).

Rakentamista kuvaava suomenkielinen paperi löytyy tässä (8p, 5.89MB).



IEA: Electricity demand growth will require more fossil fuel production. 

The demand for global electricity is growing faster than renewable energy capacity and therefore will require more power to be generated from fossil fuels. That’s according to a new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), which found renewable energy is not expanding quickly enough to meet the strong rebound. [emp] 



 Olen vuosien varrella monesti kirjoittanut raidemaniasta, joka lähinnä punavihreän ideologian myötä esiintyy kolmena oikoratana, Jäämerenratana, Tallinnan tunnelina ja Helsingissä Pisaratana ja Kruunusiltoina. Näistä viimeksimainittu on kallis pelkästään ratikoille (ja kevyelle liikenteelle) tarkoitettu usean sillan hanke. Kun asiasta päätettiin 4-5 vuotta sitten oli hankkeen kustannusarvio 430 MEUR. Nyt kun rakentamisen pitäisi alkaa kustannukset ovatkin tuplaantuneet lähes 800 MEURoon.

Pormestarikautensa viime hetkillä on Jan VAPAAVUORI pannut alulle selvityksen asiasta; selvityksen tekee KPMG. Hyvä niin!



 The United Kingdom will start work to create a regulatory framework for supporting research and development of nuclear fusion technology to enable the delivery of clean and safe energy, the government said on Tuesday in response to a report from an independent expert committee on regulations.

The Regulatory Horizons Council (RHC) published on Monday a report in which it recommends that the UK champion the way for a non-fission

nuclear approach by setting out and consulting on a vision of how the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and Environment Agency could develop current regulations and put the best framework in place for the technology to flourish.

Although nuclear fusion has been long recognized as totally carbon- and by-product-free and the source atoms in hydrogen are abundant on Earth, replicating fusion energy generation on Earth has been a challenge. That’s because this fusion needs to take place at extremely high temperatures that create hot plasma and because researchers have struggled to obtain more energy from those plasmas than the energy input to run them.

The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) is building the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP), a prototype fusion power plant, which it hopes will be the world’s first prototype fusion power plant by 2040. Private industry is also developing concepts and securing commercial investment.

“The Government agrees with the RHC that the lower intrinsic hazard of the fusion process when compared to fission is an incredibly important factor in considering the regulatory framework for fusion,” Amanda Solloway, the UK Minister for Science, Research, and Innovation, said.

Last week, the UKAEA announced a possible breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology, in which an experiment in the UK achieved at least a tenfold reduction in the heat on materials on the key fusion machine components. An innovative exhaust system was found to handle the intense heat during the fusion reaction, which would allow components to last much longer and potentially make compact fusion power plants commercially viable, the UK government said. [emp]



Helsinkimafian vetäjien Jan Vapaavuoren & Jussi Pajusen Matti Vanhasen tuella läpiajama Sipoon kaappaus 2007 päättyi nyt totaaliseen fiaskoon. Kaapatulle 44.5 km2 alueelle piti tulla 80,000 - 100,000 asukasta ja 15,000 - 40,000 työpaikkaa ja vielä metrokin. Mitään ei tullut.

Nyt Hesan toimialajohtajan Mikko Ahon mukaan voimavarat keskitetään 2016 kaapatun Malmin lentokentän alueen suunnitteluun asuinkäyttöön. Odotettavissa on toinen yli 10 vuoden kamppailu, josta Hesalle jää luu käteen.


Väylävirasto: TURUN TUNNINJUNA KANNATTAMATON & 300 miljoonaa turhaan oikoratojen suunnitteluun

Olen vuosien varrella usein kirjoittanut ratamanian typeryydestä ja mahdottomista tavoitteista. Väylävirasto on tehnyt selvityksen Helsinki-Turku -radan kannatavuudesta kolmen eri vaihtoehdon pohjalta. Seuraavassa näytetyt kannatavuusluvut perustuvat vaihtoehdon yhteiskuntataloudelliseen kannattavuuteen; jotta hanke olisi kannattava, luvun pitäisi olla >1.

Rantaradan parantaminen: Kannattavuus 0.70
Oikorata Lohjan kautta: Kannattavuus 0.44
Rantaradan kaksiraiteistaminen: Kannattavuus 0.04

Siis mikään vaihtoehto ei ole edes kansantaloudellisesti kannattava liiketaloudellisesta kannattavuudesta puhumattakaan. Välille Helsinki-Turku ei yksinkertaisesti ole tarpeeksi liikennettä. Vaikka rata saisikin 60 MEUR EUn tukirahaa, ei kannattamaton oikorata siitä muuksi muutu. Vielä selvitys sanoo, että oikoradan vaikutus liikenteen päästöjen vähentämiseksi on vähäinen. Seuraavasta löytyy Väyläviraston hankearviointi Helsinki-Turku - Nopea junayhteys (114 p, 5.39 MB).

Samaan aikaan kuitenkin tuhlataan veronmaksajien rahaa min Timo Harakan viikolla 9 tvn A-Studiossa sanoman mukaan 300 MEUR kolmen oikoradan suunnitteluun!



The new Sixth Street Viaduct, when completed next year, will be hard to miss. Ten pairs of continuous arches will create a sinuous profile as the 933 meter-long, 30 meter-wide viaduct soars over the 101 Freeway, several railroads, the LA River and the downtown Los Angeles arts district. [enr]


Hiilidioksidin vähentäminen nostettava 5-kertaiseksi!

new research report by the accounting firm PwC estimates the world needs to reduce carbon intensity five times faster to hit the 1.5° Paris Agreement target. 

A rapid decarbonisation rate of 11.7% is needed every year, according to the analysis, which estimates that the current global rate reached 2.4% for 2019.

UK holds the ‘highest decarbonisation rate’ in the world for the 21st century so far. The nation decreased carbon dioxide emissions by 3.7% every year, according to the same report. The UK has the highest long-term reduction in greenhouse gas output in the world over the course of the 21st century. The report reveals that the country decreased its consumption of coal, natural gas and oil while expanding the production of renewable energy, particularly wind power. However, the study suggests the UK will need to continue investing around £400 billion in green infrastructure and renewable energy to deliver on its net zero emissions target.