Simris was seen as an ideal candidate for such an autonomous off-grid energy system as rural Sweden suffers harsh winter storms that impact overhead transmission lines and lead to outages. Simris will be operating off-grid this week, live data can be viewed here.“If there are problems, we will have power restored within 30 seconds because we can just reconnect to the main grid,” explained Mike Hirst, electrical engineer at E.ON.
Simris now forms a part of the $26 million InterFlex project. Funded by Horizon
2020, it sits within the European Union’s biggest research and innovation
programme to date. The project will run until the end of 2019, and aims to
provide deep insight into six innovation streams: islanding, demand response,
energy storage, cross energy carrier synergies, electric vehicles, and grid
automation. "With the right technical equipment and intelligent solutions,
at Simris we can now demonstrate a decentralized, renewable but also
comfortable future of energy even today.”