
Vattenfall purkaa 15-vuotiaan tuulivoimalan

Vattenfall, has completed dismantling the Yttre Stengrund offshore wind farm in Kalmar Sound, Sweden, marking the first decommission in the world.

Work on dismantling the five wind turbines with a total capacity of 10 MW started at the end of November. The wind farm became operational since 2001 and had been owned by Vattenfall. Vattenfall saw decommissioning as the most economical option rather than replacing the turbines with new ones. It added the 15-year-old turbines at Yttre Stengrund are an “obsolete model” and not commercially viable to upgrade. The utility dismantled the turbines and removed offshore cables. Foundations were also cut off level with the sea bed. Swedish engineering firm Svensk Sjoentreprenad has been contracted to carry out the dismantling work. [emp]
Siis elinkaari <15 vuotta! Meillä varmaan pyörivät kunnes veronmaksajilta kynitty takuuhinta 8.35 c/kWh (10.35 viime vuoden loppuun saakka) vihdoin päättyy <2027. Jos sähkön markkinahinta on <3.00 c/kWh kuten viimeaikoina, niin takuuhinnasta vähennetään 3 senttiä, eli valtion syöttötariffitueksi jää 5.35 c/kWh.

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