China's leaders have banned the construction of government buildings for five years to address public anger at corruption. Across China, grand government buildings with oversized offices and fancy lighting have mushroomed in many cities. They are often among the most impressive buildings in their own towns, drawing disapproval from the public. [enr]
Helsingissä sen sijaa Guggenheim etenee pöydän alla hyvää vauhtia.
Economic, environmental & societal impacts for sustainable society.
Specialties: energy, carbon footprint and life cycle costing. © Villa Real ®
Komissio: Valtiolta tukea ydinvoimalle
The European Commission is set to draft new guidelines, which would allow the direct use of taxpayers’ money to support new nuclear power plants. Under the proposal, the Commission was planning to allow state subsidies for the construction and operation of nuclear power plants, diverting investments away from renewables. This news was welcomed by UK, France and Poland. However, the news was rebuffed by anti-nuclear Germany, which decided to completely phase out nuclear. [emp]
LEED vs Green Globes - USA hylkäämässä LEEDin?
USA on hylkäämässä - jopa kieltämässä - LEEDin liittovaltion projekteissa. Samalla the American High-Performance Building Coalition (AHPBC) promoaa tilalle the Green Building Initiativen Green Globes reittausta. Asiaa valaiseva ENRn juttu löytyy tästä. Green Globesta olen kirjoittanut 3-4 vuotta sitten, mutta ei herättänyt Suomessa kiinnostusta.
Seuraavassa taulukossa esitän 3 vuotta sitten tekemäni kolmen arviointiohjelman luokkien vertailun; luokkien epäloogisia pistelukurajoja (scoring) ei esitetä muista kuin FC Sustain, jonka pisteet ovat ymmärrettäviä prosentteja, ie max = 100 for the best standards and practices.
Menetelmä / luokka
| ||||||
| ||
Very Good
| |
FutureConstruct ® Sustain *
50 - 60
60 - 70
70 - 80
Very Good
80 - 90
* Ainoa, joka mahdollistaa ympäristövaikutusten laskennan halutulle ajanjaksolle (period of assessment).
Vuoteen 2020 mennessä kaikki nämä menetelmät tullaan korvaamaan ymmärrettävällä menetelmällä Total LCC tai vastaava, jossa kaikki vaikutukset muutetaan rahaksi (monetization to EUR, USD…), jolloin eri menetelmät tulevat keskenään vertailukelpoisiksi ja minkä tulokset jokainen ymmärtää.
Kaupungissa jopa 8 astetta lämpöisempää
New temperature data show that the average temperature in the city centre of Ghent is 3 degrees higher than outside the city. The difference in the temperature can rise to up to 8 degrees on hot days.
The finding is only one of a raft of results from measurements carried out by Ghent University and the Flemish Technology and Innovation Institute, the VITO. The work was commissioned by the City of Ghent.
Last summer temperature and humidity sensors were used to record the temperature across the city and its rural hinterland. Models and infrared satellite images were used to complete the picture.
The results show that a heat island emerges in the city centre. The temperature difference is greatest after dusk. Each year the city centre enjoys eight nights more than the rural hinterland when the temperature does not fall below 18°C. [expatica]
Saksa lopettaan aurinkoenergian tukemisen 2018
Environment Minister Peter Altmaier has announced on Monday that the 52GW limit set by the government would be reached in the period 2017-2018, after what Germany will stop subsidizing solar power. Altmaier had struggled to set a maximum amount of solar power capacity above which the government would no longer offer its financial support. [emp]
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