
Brysselin lämpötila nousee 3.5 %

New climate models presented at a study day at the Belgian Royal Met office in Brussels reveal that if greenhouse gas emissions are not halted the Belgian climate will undergo significant change this century. Depending on the model the temperature in Belgium will rise by between 2.6°C and 3.5°C between 2070 and 2100. The increase is far greater than the 1.5 degrees seen as "safe". Plants and animals should be able to adapt under a smaller change that would not trigger extreme weather phenomena. 
Climate change could lead to a 19% increase in rainfall during the winter. Incidents of "extreme rainfall" could be up by between 10% and 18% and lead to flooding. The number of severe storms too could rise triggering misery for the coast. An ordinary north-westerly storm combined with a spring tide could cause sea levels to rise by 3.5 metres. Fortunately this should normally only occur every 20 years. [exp]

Meksikon muurin prototyyppien teko alkoi

Federal contractors on 26.09.2017 began building prototypes of President Donald Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico , hitting a milestone toward a key campaign pledge. Construction of eight models in a remote area of San Diego is about three months behind schedule, held up by losing bidders whose protests were eventually denied. A green tarp hanging on a chain-link fence blocked views of the work, which is expected to last 30 days. 
Customs and Border Protection may pick several winners, or none. Roy Villarreal , acting chief of the Border Patrol's San Diego sector, said another contractor will evaluate each model, which will be up to 30 feet (9 meters) high and 30 feet long.  [enr]


Maailma 2040: Energiankulutus lisääntyy 28 %

By the year 2040, global energy consumption might increase by 28%, as forecasted by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Countries outside the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) could be responsible for most of the growth, principally Asian countries, where demand is influenced by high economic growth. During this period, China and India, might account for over 60% of the world’s increase in energy consumption. [emp]


Mika ANTTONEN: Akut maksavat miljardeja

St1n omistajan Mika Anttosen järkevät ja realistiset näkemykset energiasta ovat tuttuja. Niistä hän puhuu myös Talouselämän haastattelussa. Tässä esitän vain hänen sanomansa (uusiutuvan) sähkön varastointiongelmaan liittyen: 
Akustot on juuri kilpailutettu kansainvälisesti St1:n ja S-ryhmän tuulivoimayhtiön TuuliWatin tuulipuistoon. ”Hinta pyöri tasolla 1 000 euroa kilowattitunti. Teslaa johtava Elon Musk on sanonut, että sähköakun hinta tulee menemään ihan pian autoissa tasolle 100 euroa kilowattitunti”, Anttonen sanoo. Hän on laskenut paljonko maksaisi akusto, johon voisi varastoida prosentin Suomen sähköstä (kokonaiskulutus = 85 TWh): nykyhinnalla 850 miljardia euroa. Muskin lupaamalla hinnalla 85 miljardia. Jo se on kymmenen Olkiluoto kolmosen hinta!

PS: EWE-sähköyhtiö tutkii mahdollisuutta toteuttaa jättimäinen sähkövarasto Berliiniin. Tavoitteena on rakentaa virtausakku, jonka teho olisi 120 MW. Tämä maailman suurin akku varastoisi sähköä 700 MWh. Tämä kattaisi kuitenkin Suomenkin sähkönkulutuksesta häviävän pienen osan eli 0.0008 % (sic). 
Suomen suurin sähkövarasto on Fortumin Järvenpään biovoimalan yhteydessä. Järvenpään varastossa on runsaat 6000 litiuminonikennoa, ja nimellisteho on 2 MW ja varastointikapasiteetti 1 MWh.


Maailman suurin merituulivoimapuisto rakenteiille

The UK contract to build 1.4 GW capacity at its Hornsea 2 wind power project, likely to be the world’s largest offshore wind farm, has been awarded to DONG Energy.
According to the Danish wind firm, the guaranteed price to deliver power, established under the Contracts of Difference (CfD) scheme, is 57.50 GBP/MWh (0.0653 EUR/kWh), or 50 % lower than the allocations at auction two years ago. [emp]


Meksikon muurin prototyypit betonista

The Trump administration has taken another step toward building a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico , even as funding for the project remains in question.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Thursday it will award contracts to four companies to build four concrete prototypes for the wall. The prototypes will cost a total of $3.6 million and will be built in San Diego .