To secure French and Chinese investment, the government agreed in 2013 to pay £92.5 / MWh (now 0.11 EUR/kWh) of electricity – rising in line with inflation– for the first 35 years of the plant’s life. Critics say this now looks like a bad deal following the collapse in the wholesale price of energy in the last three years. Currently, £92.50 per MWh is more than twice the cost of wholesale electricity.
Economic, environmental & societal impacts for sustainable society.
Specialties: energy, carbon footprint and life cycle costing. © Villa Real ®
Englanti: 3,200 MW Hinkley Pointin ydinvoimalan rakentaminen alkaa
The French giant EDF Energy received the green light for the
construction of the first new nuclear power station in the UK in more than 20
years at Hinkley Point in Somerset. The project value is around 18
billion-pound ($23 billion) and the reactors are expected to generate 3,200
MWe, enough to meet approximately 7% of Britain's demand. [emp]
To secure French and Chinese investment, the government agreed in 2013 to pay £92.5 / MWh (now 0.11 EUR/kWh) of electricity – rising in line with inflation– for the first 35 years of the plant’s life. Critics say this now looks like a bad deal following the collapse in the wholesale price of energy in the last three years. Currently, £92.50 per MWh is more than twice the cost of wholesale electricity.
To secure French and Chinese investment, the government agreed in 2013 to pay £92.5 / MWh (now 0.11 EUR/kWh) of electricity – rising in line with inflation– for the first 35 years of the plant’s life. Critics say this now looks like a bad deal following the collapse in the wholesale price of energy in the last three years. Currently, £92.50 per MWh is more than twice the cost of wholesale electricity.
Berner törmäsi jälleen todellisuuteen
Min Anne BERNER on jälleen kerran törmännyt todellisuuteen. Hän ajoi "joka miehen taksioikeutta" ja joka tapauksessa taksitoimintaa ilman ajokoetta ja lupia. Eduskunta on kuitenkin toista mieltä. Kuskin ajokoe tarvitaan jatkossakin (oikein!) ja taksiluvat pysyvät ja muuttuvat autokohtaisista toimijakohtaisiksi. Jopa Bernerin lanseeraama ruotsinvallan ajalta periytyvä lain nimike liikennekaari muutettiin ymmärrettävään muotoon liikennepalvelulaki.
Kalifornia: Kaikki sähkö uusiutuvaa 2045
A new bill introduced in the California Senate (SB 584) would require utilities in the state to procure 100 percent of the power they sell at retail from renewable energy sources by 2045. In addition, it revises the 50 percent by 2030 target to 50 percent by 2025, only 8 years from now. Renewable Energy World will continue to inform readers about the progress of this bill and other energy-related bills as they make their way through the legislative sessions. [rew]
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