In July 2016, Germany announced amendments to the German Law on support to the production of renewable electricity (EEG 2017) for assessment under EU state aid rules. This decision will enable Germany to organize separate auctions for different renewable energy technologies. Starting from January 2017, auctions will be organized to select offshore wind installations, onshore wind installations above 750 kW, solar installations above 750 kW and biomass and biogas installations above 150 kW. Biomass and biogas will compete in the same tender including new and existing installations. At the same time, hydropower, geothermal and installations using sewage gas will continue to benefit from feed-in tariffs (FiTs) and will not participate in auctions.
Saksan järjettömän suuret tuet tuuli- ja aurinkosähkölle ovat nyt johtanut siihen, että jouluna sähkön hinta on muuttunut miinusmerkkiseksi, ja kansalaisille jopa maksetaan sähkön kuluttamisesta..
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