Europe's energy system is in the middle of a profound change. The common goal to decarbonise the energy system creates new opportunities and challenges for market participants. At the same time, technological developments allow for new forms of consumer participation and cross-border cooperation. There is a need to adapt the Union market rules to a new market reality.
Amongst several new issues and improvements, the following two regulations are important for sustainable society and consumers as well:
Article 15 Active customers
Member States shall ensure that final customers:
(a) are entitled to generate, store, consume and sell self-generated
electricity in all organised markets either individually or through aggregators
without being subject to disproportionately burdensome procedures and charges
that are not cost reflective;
(b) are subject to cost reflective, transparent and non-discriminatory
network charges, accounting separately for the electricity fed into the grid
and the electricity consumed from the grid, in line with Article 59.Article 16 Local energy communities
Member States shall ensure that local energy communities:
(a) are entitled to own, establish, or lease community networks and to
autonomously manage them;
(b) can access all organised markets either directly or through
aggregators or suppliers in a non-discriminatory manner;
(c) benefit from a
non-discriminatory treatment with regard to their activities, rights and
obligations as final customers, generators, distribution system operators or
(d) are subject to fair, proportionate and transparent procedures and
cost reflective charges;
Nämä määräykset pakottavat Suomenkin keskitetyt sähköyhtiöt taipumaan paikalliseen energiantuotantoon ja aurinkosähkön nettolaskutukseen (katso kuva yllä), vaikka ne hylättiinkin Suomen uudessa energia- ja ilmastostrategiassa samoin kuin rakennusten uusissa energiamääräyksissä. Seuraavasta löytyy koko direktiiviehdotus (eng, 124p, 0.76MB).
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